EPC Executive Council October 2024 Meeting
Elected officials across UFCW Canada Eastern Provinces Council Locals 864, 1288P and 1252 met on Saturday, Oct. 26 to discuss how the council can better serve the members at large.
The group discussed the overall financial state of the Eastern Provinces Council, approving the motion to meet with financial advisors helping guide Union accounts into a growth period.
Council will also begin looking in to the possibility of establishing a Tragedy Fund to assist members who are suffering through tragic events. Discussions surrounding scarce use, applications, paperwork and bank fees has led the group to consider the use of monetary gift cards as a faster approach. More information will be made available once the group has weighed the costs.
The annual EPC scholarships was the next talking point, where several members noted known applicants were not named on the selection shortlist.
It was identified the EPC website has 5 scholarship options, including the UFCW National BDM scholarship, and many aspiring EPC applicants may have accidentally applied for the National scholarship instead.
To ensure all 12 EPC scholarships are properly and fairly given out, the council will be cross referencing all missing EPC applicants with the National BDM application to ensure all applicants are considered.
Changes to the scholarship section of the EPC website including clearer language and the implementation of an online application form will be curated ahead of next year’s scholarships to avoid this issue in the future.
Finally, council is searching for new ideas for UFCW Eastern Provinces Council merchandise.
If any members have any ideas for high visibility, easily brandable items, please contact your Union Representative.
Finally, delegates from each bargaining unit will soon be selected to gather for the 2025 Eastern Provinces Council Convention at the Westin in Halifax from April 27-29 where the next EPC Executive Council will be voted on.