Cavendish Farms Negotiation Updates – December 9, 2022
December 9, 2022 – Please see below details of the recommended offer of settlement at Cavendish Farms to be voted on December 15.
- A five-year deal, expiring December 31st, 2026;
- Increases to Benefit credits for Family and Single, increase to prescription glasses allowance and fitted earplugs
- Wage Parity for Industrial Mechanics by 2024
- Addition of Long Service Bonus effective January 1st, 2023 employees with 10 -15 years will receive an additional $0.10 per hour, 15 – 20 years $0.20 per hour, 20-25 years $0.35 per hour, 25 + years $0.50 per hour
- Addition of Truth and Reconciliation to holiday list
- First Sick day earned after one year service and any unused sick days will now be paid out at year end if not used
- Removal of ProTrans language from contract
- Reduction of minimum Training Period to two weeks from four
- Allow employees to keep Seniority in old department until they qualify in new posting to ensure access to overtime
- Employees posting into Maintenance positions will keep rate, if higher, until their new rate surpasses it
- Increase Training Premium to $1.50 and make for all hours worked
- Increase of Meal Allowance to $11
- Numerous improvements to Dual Ticket language and Block release language
- Postings now posted for two weeks to ensure everyone has a chance to apply
- Tightening of Temporary posting rules
- Increase to Perfect Attendance Bonus from one to two days year on and can continue to increase up to one week time off
- Wage adjustments, in addition to annual increases for all employees between $1.00 and $2.46, taking effect before the wage increases and retroactively paid to the expiration of the contract;
Wage increases of 13.50% over five years:
- January 1st, 2022, 3.00%
- January 1st, 2023, 3.00%
- January 1st, 2024, 2.50%
- January 1st, 2025, 2.50%
- January 1st, 2026, 2.50%
- Upon ratification, all employees would proceed to January 1st, 2023, rates. Retro pay to the contract’s expiration is also included and will be paid as soon as possible. This will mean the rate increase at ratification would be $2.09 to over $3 per hour.
The annual increases and adjustments equate to a gain between 12.1% – 20.7% upon ratification for the members immediately, not including future increases and Long Service bonus.
A number of other changes, all of which were in the previous offer, as well. Meetings are scheduled at Credit Union Place in Summerside on December 13th and 14th, with meetings at 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Please attend to ensure you fully understand this recommended offer of settlement.
Voting will occur December 15th at the United Church Hall in Kensington from 6 AM to 8 PM.
I would like to thank you for your continued support of your negotiations committee. It is this support that has allowed us to bring back this recommended offer which represents the largest increases ever negotiated at Cavendish Farms.
In Solidarity, your Union Negotiating Committee,
Craig Walsh (Spokesperson), Mark Dobson (Union Representative), Janice MacKenzie, Nicki Baglole, George Ward, Kevyn Stahlbaum, James Shaw
Cavendish Farms 2022 Conciliation Offer Plain Language Explanation and Rates